Path Of Exile: Pathfinder League Starter Build Guide

It's a time in the Path of Exile cycle to choose a league starter. Are you looking for the best build guide for Path of Exile 3.22? we bring you the top 3 best PoE 3.22 mapping builds for Trial of the Ancestors. We'll break down their gear, flasks, gems, Items, and trees.


POE 3.22 Mapping Build Guide - Top 3 Best Pathfinders For Path Of Exile Ancestors

In our POE 3.22 mapping build guide, we bring you the top 3 most op league starters! First is the Toxic Rain Pathfinder which features good speed, incredible mapping tackiness, and permanent flask uptime during bosses, while having great mobility. Next, we bring you the best league starter build for PoE 3.22 Ancestor League, Poison Blade Vortex Pathfinder. Lastly, we got you the Poison Concoction Pathfinder. This build requires basically zero gear aside from rares with life and resistance to complete your whole atlas.


POE 3.22 Best Mapping Build - Toxic Rain Pathfinder

This is toxic rain Pathfinders, the comfiest mapping build in Path of Exile 3.22. It's a very fun and great starter and it's incredibly zoomy. The big downside to the build though is that the pods, don't like to do instant damage so you're not going to have that nice crunchy feel like Lightning Arrow. They're instantly destroying the enemies like the pods go down and then everything melts away. If you don't like damage over time builds, this might not be for you. But it is an amazingly POE 3.22 league starter, with really good defenses, especially for mapping. You're not going to face tank every boss in the game but a lot of players do Pinnacle boss with this build.


Toxic Rain Pathfinder Gear


Main Hand Weapon - Thicket Box


Off-Hand Weapon - Broadhead Arrow Quiver


Helmet - Pig-Faced Bascinet


Chest - Sadist Garb


Ring - Amethyst Ring, Amethyst Ring


Amulet - Amber Amulet


Gloves - Dragonscale Gauntlets


Boost - Dragonscale Boots


Belt - Crystal Belt


Toxic Rain Pathfinder Flasks


Perpetual Granite Flask of the Armadillo


Saturated Divine Life Flask of Alleviation


Perpetual Quicksilver Flask


Perpetual Quartz Flask of the Owl


Perpetual Silver Flask of the Dove


POE Best 3.22 Mapping Build - Poison Blade Vortex Pathfinder

Poison Blade Vortex Pathfinder is the best league starter for Path of Exile 3.22 Ancestor League. This is one of the smoothest mapping builds but also a well-rounded build. This will be able to tackle juice mapping as well as killing any of the bosses to collect your Void zones. It works very comfortably on a very low budget of just a divine or two but it can be scaled to then tackle very end-game content like 80% Delirium or if you want to do Uber bosses you can.


Poison Blade Vortex Pathfinder Gear


Main Hand Weapon - Obliteration Imbued Wand


Off-Hand Weapon - Dawnbreaker Colossal Tower Shield


Helmet - Deicide Mask


Chest - Dendrobate Sentinel Jacket


Ring - Ming's Heart Amethyst Ring, Amethyst Ring


Amulet - Agate Amulet


Gloves - Dragonscale Gauntlets


Boost - Dragonscale Boots


Belt - Stygian Vise


Jewel - 2 x Hypnotic Eye Jewel


Poison Blade Vortex Pathfinder Flasks


Alchemist's Ruby Flask of Variegation


Quicksilver Flask of the Cheetah


Bottomless Silver Flask of the Curlew


Practitioner's Granite Flask of the Pangolin


POE 3.22 Best Mapping Build - Poison Concoction Pathfinder

This is the best budget PoE League Starter 3.22 for normal players. It's not the best boss killer or a super tanky build it still is more than viable for all non-uber content. While having some of the best clear speed in the whole game. Many of the strongest builds in the game require lots of gear and cheap Items that simply won't exist or will be too expensive early on. What this best POE 3.22 Pathfinder build does is it bridges the gap between the start of the league and when you can play your desired build. Poison Concoction Pathfinder is one of the fastest Path of Exile mapping builds 3.22 in the game and once you're finished with your league start can be re-rolled into some of the strongest builds in the game. Since Poison Concoction was introduced it's been one of the best leveling skills in the game to the point where it was nerfed last League. Even though it was nerfed, it's still one of the best leveling skills and has a very smooth progression.


Poison Concoction Pathfinder Gear


Main Hand Weapon - None


Off-Hand Weapon - Titanium Spirit Shield


Helmet - Pig-Faced Bascinet


Chest - Cherrubim's Maleficence


Ring - 2 x Iolite Ring


Amulet - Agate Amulet


Gloves - Asenath's Gentle Touch


Boost - Dragonscale Boots


Belt - Heavy Belt


Poison Concoction Pathfinder Flasks


Vitiating Divine Life Flask of Alleviation


Masochist's Jade Flask of the Antelope


Masochist's Quicksilver Flask


Masochist's Silver Flask of the Eagle


Masochist's Granite Flask of the Tortoise





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