College Football 25: How To Kick Explained

Despite a lot of the flashier plays in College Football 25 being made with a player's hands, the game is called football, right? Kicking plays a major role in the course of a game and can usually decide the final score unless you completely blow out an opponent. Whether you're kicking a simple extra point or lining up for a 50+ yard field goal, it's crucial to understand the entirety of the kicking mechanic.


While kicking is simple on the surface, it can get extremely tough if you're playing on the road in College Football 25 and your screen starts shaking. You'll also want to know the finer points of kicking if you're playing in harsh conditions, trying a long field goal, or attempting to pin an opponent deep on a kickoff or punt. We have a full kicking guide for College Football 25 below so your kicker doesn't become the most hated player on campus.


Understanding The Kick Meter In College Football 25


When you go to kick the ball at any point, you'll see the primary red, yellow, and green meters appear right underneath the ball. This is your kicking meter, and it controls how powerful and accurate your kick is. Your power and accuracy are determined by the moving white arrow that goes across the kicking meter when you're ready to start a kick. If the white arrow is stopped at the correct points, your kick will be as powerful as possible and go wherever you aim it.


Speaking of aiming, before messing with the meters, make sure your kick is lined up how you want it. You can aim your kick with the left joystick and the black arrow on the screen will move from left to right depending on what way you move the joystick. Your arrow might wobble a bit depending on the current circumstances, but it's usually simple enough to aim the kick and get it in the right spot.


Using The Accuracy Meter

There are also plenty of smaller details about the kicking meter that you need to understand. First and foremost, you want to always try and land the white arrow in the middle of the green section of the meter. This determines the accuracy of your kick.


At the start of a kick, the white arrow moves all across the meter and you need to press A/X when the arrow is directly in the middle (for maximum accuracy). If you want your kick to have less accuracy, let's say for a short punt, then stop it when it's to the left or right of the green section.


The speed of the white arrow is affected by the current situation of the game, the stadium, and the conditions. If you're on the road in a close game, the arrow will fly across the meter, making it extremely difficult to pinpoint it where you want. However, on a pleasant Saturday on your home turf, the arrow will be fairly easy to stop.


Using The Power Meter

After stopping the arrow on the meter, another meter will appear. This meter is a large arrow that appears over the ball and the power meter. This determines the power of the kick and the ideal situation is to have the entire meter fill up to make it as powerful as possible.


However, by default in College Football 25, the power meter only fills up if you hold A/X after pressing it to determine the accuracy. While you can get used to this control scheme, there's a much simpler one you can use. In the game's settings, go to "Game Options" and scroll down until you see the Kicking tab. Here, the "Control Scheme" option will be set to Tap and Hold. You want to change that to Tap and Tap.


This makes it so you only have to tap A/X for both power and accuracy instead of holding for power with the black arrow. With the new control scheme set, you can now tap A/X on the accuracy meter and watch the power meter fill up after doing so. Just as the meter hits the top of the arrow, tap A/X again to unleash the most powerful kick possible. If you miss your window at the top of the power meter, the meter will start to climb back down the arrow, so you want to ensure you tap A/X as soon as it reaches the top.


If you hit the accuracy meter in the middle green section and wait for the power meter to fill up all the way, you'll have the best kick possible. College Football 25 isn't as cut and dry as that with kicking, though, so use less accurate/powerful kicks to your advantage when needed.


Different Types Of Kicks In College Football 25


Finally, in addition to the kicking arrows, you can also utilize three different kinds of kicks. These are only available on kickoffs and they're used in special situations. The types of kicks are:




Sky Kick


For the most part, you will want to stick with the normal kick, as it gives you the best possible outcome a majority of the time. However, if you want to make sure the opponent doesn't run the extra clock or you want to pin them at a certain yard line, using the squib or sky kick can be useful. The Squib will be a line drive kick that hits the ground before reaching the kick returner, and the sky kick sends the ball into the air, giving it more hang time.


You can access these types right from the "Kickoff" menu before lining up for a kick. Each one requires you to press a different button before starting with the kicking meter.


In College Football 25, effective utilization of in-game currency, known as CFB 25 Coins or College Football 25 Coins, is crucial for building a competitive team. These coins can be earned through various in-game activities, such as winning matches, completing missions, or selling players in your squad. Accumulating a substantial amount of coins allows you to open packs and acquire valuable players for your Ultimate Team, enhancing your overall gameplay experience.

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