Diablo 4: How To Farm Infernal Compasses And Take On The Infernal Hordes
To face the Infernal Hordes in Diablo 4, you'll need Infernal Compasses. This guide will detail how to efficiently farm these compasses and Abyssal Scrolls, essential for engaging in Infernal Hordes and upgrading their difficulty.
How to Farm Infernal Compasses
1. Complete Nightmare Dungeons:
Infernal Compasses can drop as loot in Nightmare Dungeons. Keep an eye out for these drops while battling through these challenging areas.
2. Explore The Pit:
The Pit also offers a chance to acquire Infernal Compasses. As you clear this dungeon, be on the lookout for these valuable items.
3. Participate in Helltides:
Aberrant Cinders: Collect Aberrant Cinders by completing challenges and defeating enemies in Helltides. These are the currency used to open chests.
Chests of Steel and Chests of Mystery: These chests have a chance to drop Infernal Compasses. Prioritize opening these chests to increase your chances of obtaining compasses.
Doomsayers: Defeating Doomslayers also provides a chance to get Infernal Compasses, although the drop rate is not guaranteed.
4. Complete Whisper Bounties:
Whisper Caches: After completing Whisper Bounties, visit the Whisper Tree to choose and open Whisper Caches. These caches can contain Infernal Compasses.
5. Craft at the Occultist:
Requirements: To craft Infernal Compasses, you need Sigil Powder and Forgotten Souls.
Unlock Crafting: Complete the questline for Infernal Hordes, including the quest "To the Edge of The Abyss," to unlock the crafting option.
Forgotten Souls: These are primarily obtained from Tortured Gifts in Helltides on World Tier 3 and 4. Be prepared for a higher material cost as the Tier increases.
How To Upgrade Infernal Compasses
1. Collect Abyssal Scrolls:
Sources: Abyssal Scrolls drop from various sources, including Helltides and as loot from completing Infernal Hordes. You may also receive them from chests at the end of an Infernal Horde run.
Farming: Since Abyssal Scrolls can be farmed alongside Infernal Compasses, focus on farming areas where both materials drop to streamline your efforts.
2. Upgrade Process:
Application: Abyssal Scrolls are used to upgrade the difficulty tier of Infernal Compasses. This adjustment impacts the intensity of the Infernal Hordes you face.
Irreversible Action: Note that upgrading an Infernal Compass with an Abyssal Scroll is irreversible. Choose your upgrades carefully to ensure you're prepared for the increased challenge.
3. Upgrade Tiers:
Tier Information: Refer to the Infernal Horde overview for details on the different tiers available. This information will help you decide which tiers to target based on your readiness and goals.
Diablo 4 Items and Gold Management
1. Acquiring and Using Items:
Legendary and Unique Items: Focus on acquiring high-tier items through Infernal Hordes. These Diablo 4 items can significantly enhance your gameplay.
Crafting Materials: Use items collected from Infernal Hordes and other activities to craft and upgrade gear.
2. Gold Farming and Management:
Efficient Farming: Participate in high-yield activities, including Infernal Hordes and Helltides, to accumulate gold and valuable loot.
Strategic Spending: Invest gold wisely in gear upgrades and crafting materials to maximize your character's effectiveness.
3. Trading and Selling:
Market Opportunities: Utilize the in-game economy to trade or sell items for additional gold. Focus on high-value items and materials for the best returns.
By following these strategies, you'll be well-equipped to farm Infernal Compasses and Abyssal Scrolls effectively, tackle the Infernal Hordes, and manage your Diablo 4 items and Diablo 4 gold efficiently. Embrace the challenge and reap the rewards of your hellish journey!
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