Elden Ring: Millicent Side Quest Guide & Walkthrough
Like many FromSoftware games, Elden Ring includes complex, optional side quests with unclear progression steps. One such quest involves Millicent, a character whose tragic story reveals rich lore and rewarding items. However, this side quest is quite lengthy and easy to miss if the player doesn't carefully follow the steps. This guide will walk you through Millicent's entire questline, including how to obtain valuable rewards like Elden Ring runes, items, and key lore pieces.
Step One: Talking to Gowry
Millicent's quest starts deep in the dangerous region of Caelid. To initiate the quest, find Gowry in a small shack just south of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. He will request your help to save Millicent, who is afflicted with scarlet rot. Gowry asks you to retrieve the Unalloyed Golden Needle from a nearby swamp called Aeonia, which is guarded by a boss, Commander O'Neil.
Step Two: Defeat Commander O'Neil
Commander O'Neil is a formidable foe, especially for early-game players. He uses scarlet rot attacks and summons ghostly archers to assist him. You can summon an NPC, Pollyanna, to help distract O'Neil while you focus on dealing damage. After defeating him, you will obtain the Unalloyed Golden Needle.
Step Three: Return the Needle to Gowry and Light the Beacons in Sellia
Once you have the needle, return to Gowry, who will give you a piece of paper detailing your next task: lighting three beacons in Sellia. These beacons are located atop towers scattered throughout the town. Lighting them will lift a magical barrier, allowing you to proceed up the hill behind the town. You can light the beacons before speaking to Gowry, and the barrier will remain lifted even if you die.
Step Four: Find and Help Millicent
After the beacons are lit, head through the now-open barrier to the Church of Plague, where Millicent lies. Present her with the fixed Unalloyed Golden Needle to cure her. After resting at the site of grace, speak to Millicent again to receive the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom. Head back to Gowry's shack, where Millicent will be recuperating. Speak to her until she finishes her dialogue, and then leave and return to speak to Gowry again.
Step Five: Search the Shaded Castle for Valkyrie's Prosthesis
To continue the quest, you must now reach the Altus Plateau. Millicent will appear at the Erdtree-Gazing Hill site of grace. Speak to her there before heading to the Shaded Castle to retrieve the Valkyrie's Prosthesis, which is needed to continue her quest. Navigate the poison-filled Shaded Castle and defeat the Cleanrot Knight to find the prosthesis in the northeast corner of the castle. Return it to Millicent to advance her storyline.
Step Six: Head to Windmill Village
Next, Millicent will travel to Dominula, Windmill Village, located northeast of the Altus Plateau. Fight through the enemies in the village and defeat the Godskin Apostle. Once defeated, rest at the new site of grace, and Millicent will appear nearby. Exhaust her dialogue to move on to the next phase of her quest.
Step Seven: Journey to Miquella's Haligtree
The final stretch of Millicent's quest takes place in Miquella's Haligtree, a late-game area that can only be accessed after obtaining both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. The right half can be found in the Village of the Albinaurics, while the left half is in Castle Sol after defeating Commander Niall. After obtaining both halves, use the medallion to activate the Grand Lift of Rold and access the Haligtree area.
Before continuing, you must solve a puzzle in the Liturgical Town that requires lighting fires at various locations, much like the earlier Sellia beacon puzzle. Once you solve this and fight through the Haligtree, you will reach the Elphael Prayer Room, where Millicent can be found. Speak to her to progress the quest further.
Step Eight: Find the Drainage Channel
After speaking to Millicent in the Prayer Room, head down to the Drainage Channel, a scarlet rot-infested area with plague-ridden enemies. To survive, stock up on Preserving Boluses or equip the Flame, Cleanse Me spell to cure the rot. Once you make it through, you will find the Drainage Channel site of grace.
From here, you'll reach a critical point in Millicent's story where you must make an important choice: aid Millicent or betray her. This decision will affect the outcome of the quest, with different rewards depending on the path you choose.
Millicent's quest is one of Elden Ring's most elaborate, requiring travel across dangerous locations, tough boss battles, and solving intricate puzzles. Completing her quest rewards players with powerful Elden Ring items and new lore about the world of Elden Ring, and provides a deeper understanding of the tragic and complex character of Millicent.
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