Elden Ring: Millicent Side Quest Guide
Millicent's quest is one of the most tragic and rewarding storylines in Elden Ring. It takes you across dangerous lands, from Caelid to the Haligtree, and challenges you with tough bosses and tough decisions. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you through her quest.
How to Start Millicent's Quest
Step 1: Talk to Gowry (Caelid)
Location: Gowry's Shack, located south of Sellia in Caelid.
Objective: Speak to Gowry, who will ask you to help save Millicent, a woman on the brink of death. He will direct you to find the Unalloyed Golden Needle in the scarlet rot swamp called Aeonia.
Step 2: Defeat Commander O'Neil
Location: West of Sellia in Aeonia, you must defeat Commander O'Neil.
Challenges: This fight is tricky due to O'Neil's scarlet rot attacks. Summon Pollyanna to distract him while you deal damage. Watch out for archers that respawn. The key here is dodging O'Neil's rot-inflicting attacks and attacking from range.
Reward: Unalloyed Golden Needle.
Progressing the Quest
Step 3: Return the Needle to Gowry
Objective: After defeating Commander O'Neil, take the Golden Needle back to Gowry.
Next Steps: He will give you a piece of paper that tells you to light three beacons in Sellia. Lighting these beacons removes the magical barrier preventing you from climbing the hill.
Lighting the Beacons in Sellia
Step 4: Light the Three Beacons
Objective: You must light three beacons spread across Sellia. These beacons are located atop towers and require some platforming with Torrent. Beware of cloaked sorcerers who will ambush you with spells.
Important Notes:
The beacons stay lit even if you die.
You don't need to talk to Gowry before lighting the beacons, but you'll need to return to him afterward to proceed.
Meeting Millicent
Step 5: Find Millicent
Objective: Once the beacons are lit, the magical barrier disappears, allowing you to head up the hill to find Millicent at the Church of Plague.
Challenges: You'll face Lesser Kindred of Rot, but you can simply run past them if you prefer not to fight.
Dialogue: After handing Millicent the Unalloyed Golden Needle, rest at the nearby Site of Grace and talk to her again. She will give you the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom.
Next Steps: Millicent will be at Gowry's Shack. Speak to her there and exhaust her dialogue. She reveals that she is starting to regain her memory.
Millicent's Prosthesis and New Objectives
Step 6: Find Valkyrie's Prosthesis
Location: You must now make your way to the Shaded Castle in Altus Plateau to find Valkyrie's Prosthesis.
Challenges: The castle is filled with poison areas, so tread carefully. Defeat the Cleanrot Knight, and enter the guarding room to claim the prosthesis.
Reward: Return the prosthesis to Millicent, who will equip it and look more like Malenia in appearance.
Journey to the Windmill Village
Step 7: Go to the Windmill Village
Location: Dominula, the Windmill Village in the northeastern Altus Plateau.
Objective: Fight through enemies, eventually defeating a Godskin Apostle.
New Site of Grace: After the battle, rest, and Millicent will appear. Speak to her to continue the quest.
The Haligtree and Miquella
Step 8: Reach Miquella's Haligtree
Objective: After completing the Windmill Village segment, you'll need to progress to Miquella's Haligtree, a critical location in Elden Ring. This requires several steps:
Defeat Morgott at the Leyndell Royal Capital to access the Mountaintops of Giants.
Obtain both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion:
Left half: Found in Castle Sol after defeating Commander Niall.
Right half: Given by Old Albus in the Village of the Albinaurics.
Solve the Liturgical Tower puzzle to reach the Haligtree.
Challenges: The Haligtree is one of the most challenging areas in Elden Ring, filled with difficult enemies and perilous platforming.
Millicent's Final Location and Ending
Step 9: Meet Millicent in the Haligtree
Location: Once you've made it through the Haligtree, head to the Elphael Prayer Room, where Millicent awaits.
Dialogue: Exhaust her dialogue to continue the quest.
Step 10: The Drainage Channel
Objective: After speaking to Millicent, make your way to the Drainage Channel, which is filled with scarlet rot and plague pests. The area is dangerous, so use Preserving Boluses or Flame, Cleanse Me to deal with the scarlet rot.
Challenges: The drainage channel is long, with hidden enemies beneath the scarlet rot water. Be sure to clear out any enemies or dash through as needed.
Next Step: Once you clear the area, rest at the Site of Grace.
Millicent's Fate
After completing the Drainage Channel section, Millicent's fate can unfold in two ways, depending on your choices:
Millicent's Tragic End: If you choose to help her, she will fight you in a final confrontation before her death.
Millicent's Redemption: If you choose to let her live, Millicent will pass on her prosthesis to you and explain more about her tragic past.
Summary of Key Objectives
Talk to Gowry in Caelid to start the quest.
Defeat Commander O'Neil to get the Unalloyed Golden Needle.
Light the three beacons in Sellia to remove the magical barrier.
Find Millicent at the Church of Plague and give her the needle.
Retrieve Valkyrie's Prosthesis in the Shaded Castle.
Help Millicent in Windmill Village after defeating the Godskin Apostle.
Reach Miquella's Haligtree by obtaining the Haligtree Medallion halves and solving the Liturgical Tower puzzle.
Meet Millicent in the Haligtree and help her with the final task in the Drainage Channel.
Millicent's quest provides a mix of challenge, exploration, and emotional depth. Completing it will reward you with powerful Elden Ring items and an intriguing part of Elden Ring's lore, making it one of the standout side quests in the game.
If you've got Healing Items (especially for Scarlet Rot) and Ranged Attacks (for the Millicent boss fight) and Elden Ring runes. Make sure to stock up on Boluses and Flame Cleanse Me incantations, especially when you're near the Aeonia Swamp or the Windmill Village areas.
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