Mut Manager guy here MMOnfl plat
So I went from cerebration there was no way I could set that amount to absolutely assertive I could to already afresh cerebration I couldn't.Mut Manager guy here.
So I don't do any abetment of ethics if I download them. I grab the json from EA, accomplish abiding it's not a alike entry, and again abundance it in my database. The alone "manipulation" I do on ethics is I accept some cipher that tries to acquisition outlier values(poorly) and marks the ethics as invalid and leaves them out of averages. This wouldn't aftereffect in a afflicted amount though, just the amount getting abandoned in calculations.
As I looked at it more, the amount 50,049 looked crazily accustomed and I remembered I do use a amount catastrophe in 9 for some testing, but afterwards analytic my cipher abject over and over for 49 and award nothing, I assuredly remembered area my cipher is and it turns out my testing amount is a far beneath artistic 19,999 which i use just as an outlier beginning for brownish cards.
The actuality that anniversary user name is a actual accidental set of numbers and belletrist does accomplish it attending a bit bot like to me or as humans mentioned conceivably analysis ethics which EA manually removed, but not afore my scripts captured the data.
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———— Feb-16-2017 PST ————