RuneScape has released its 2023 content plan

Jagex hosted a special Winter/Season 2022 stream today and revealed their content plans for RuneScape Gold for 2023. Some of the team members revealed to the players what they have in store, including the new Grandmaster quest and the treasure we found in the desert ...  In Desert Treasure II - Form of the Fallen Empire. Through four new treasure spots, you can explore and navigate through a nasty new boss.

They also announced their plans for Santa to arrive in Gilnor on December 14, when he will hold a special mug and bar to "connect with the excited fans".

Taking center stage was the new announcement of Grandmaster Quest, the 17-year-old follow-up to the popular Desert Treasure Quest. Treasure of the Desert II - Fallen Empire takes players through four new realms, each awaiting brave hunters to discover the buried secrets of Verdorvis, Duke Suselus, Leviathan, Mysterious Whisper, and Kharidian in the desert.

Old school for skilled players, Forest: The Forester's Path expands logging skills, adding social experience and excitement to one of the most popular adventures in the Buy RS Gold series. Competition for resources is removed in favor of collaborative experiences that can only be played with friends. You can use wood to make fire pits and make special teas. It's beautiful all day!"

"Next is the new major tournament, Secrets of the North, which features a single-player boss event and offers powerful new rewards such as Ancient Treasure Upgrades, Ancient Staff Upgrades, and new Venator Archers. Blood Treasure Hunters.Enjoy an Awesome 20% Discount on rsgoldfast Promo Code and Sale. You can get huge savings on your purchase.

Back in 2023… It is. Miniatures. ... Hunter Players." They give coins to enter the forest. The first new skill is Old School Runescape. As with all major changes to OSRS, the community needs to support this bold change. More information about the new skills and all updates is listed above, as they are announced. Next year."

———— Dec-16-2022 PST ————