​What is MT in NBA 2K23 And How Do You Get It?

NBA 2K23 is the upcoming NBA basketball simulation video game. This game is the 23rd edition of the NBA 2K series and there are many versions for players to choose from.

NBA 2K23 will be officially released in a month, so now many players are eager to know about this game. 2K Sports recently released some information about this game. With this information, we can get acquainted with the gameplay in NBA 2K23. And before we came into the game, many players said that NBA 2K23 MT is very important, so what is it?

What is NBA 2K23 MT?

NBA 2K23 MT is the in-game NBA 2K MyTEAM currency and can be used to purchase all in-game cards at the Auction House. Your total MT coins can be displayed in this mode in the user bar at the top right corner of most screens.

How do I get MT?

2K23 MT can be obtained by completing a large number of events, buying packs and selling tickets at auction.

You can get a lot of MTs through all these methods, but if you want more MTs you can choose to sell tickets or flip at auction.

Sell or flip cards for more 2K23 MT

Players can quickly sell the cards they have earned from the game in the auction. The value of these cards depends on the type of card, which ranges from 500 metric tons to thousands of metric tons. Some special cards can be sold at higher prices.

You can also flip the leaves, which requires a little more skill. This is done by buying undervalued or open cards. Then you can go around and sell the card for a higher price.

Browse the auction house, find a few items you can buy cheaply, flip them over to make a profit and repeat. Just find your niche, scroll down to the 4 hour, 12 hour and 24 hour tabs, then you can find new releases and see if there are any deals to be found.

Auction house is the safest place to exchange coins for cards. But if you want to get MT faster, you can choose to buy MT 2K23.

How to buy 2K23 MT?

You can buy MT from NBA2king. Select the relevant server and your currency amount and then click the Buy Now button. Then just submit your NBA 2K info. Their 2K MT customer accounts will not be banned.

———— Aug-18-2022 PST ————